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Wednesday, 3 May 2017

How to make Kunun Aya (Tiger Nuts Milk)

  Tiger nuts are plentiful in Nigeria and I used to eat bunches of them in my more youthful years. I have not had them in years till my companion helped me to remember these incredible nuts.

   Tiger nuts have a nutty smooth taste. I can't envision anything that suggests a flavor like it. Not exclusively do they taste pleasant, the nuts are stuffed with loads of medical advantages.

   To eat it as a nibble, simply bite and suck on the debris then release the refuse. A few people swallow the debris however it is very troublesome for me to swallow. Eat with peanuts (groundnuts) and the debris will be gentler and less demanding to swallow, this extraordinary tip was from Oluwayemisi and it works!

   On the off chance that you purchase these nuts outside Nigeria, odds are that they will be dry. Absorb them a lot of chilly water overnight before endeavoring to chomp on them.

   Another approach to appreciate these nuts is to drench, mix and strain them to get the exceptionally scrumptious and invigorating Tiger Nuts Milk, known as Kunun Aya in Hausa and Horchata de Chufas in Spanish.

Elements for making Tiger Nuts Milk 

  • 600g doused Tiger Nuts (475g dry Tiger Nuts) 
  • 1.5 liters frosty water 

Different fixings you can add to it 

  • Tiger Nuts Drink is a Spanish fly, you will require some vitality to "perform" subsequent to drinking it, so include the accompanying when mixing: 
  • Coconuts 
  • Dates (Dabino in Hausa) 
  • Click here to figure out how to make the Nigerian Aphrodisiac form. 
  • Much more fixings! 
  • To make it restorative, include: 
  • Ginger 
  • Cinnamon 


  • To mix it, you'll require a kitchen blender. My blender has 600W power and it made an extraordinary showing with regards to of mixing the doused nuts. 

  • To strain it you'll require a chiffon fabric or women stocking/tights (pantyhose without the underwear). 

Different names for Tiger Nuts 

  • Aki Awusa in Igbo 
  • Aya in Hausa 
  • Isip Isong in Efik/Ibibio 
  • Ofio in Yoruba 
  • Hausa Groundnut in Pidgin 
  • Keegun in Okun 
  • Chufas in Spanish 

Where to purchase Tiger Nuts 

  • There are 2 assortments of tiger nuts: dark colored and dark. Both are promptly accessible in Nigeria yet I think the dark colored ones are more typical outside Nigeria. Both taste the same to me. 
  • In Nigeria, Tiger Nuts are sold by Hausa Mallams in the city and in every significant market in Nigeria. You can likewise purchase coconuts and dates (dabino) from them. 

Advantages of Tiger Nuts 

  • Tigernut oil is utilized as a part of the corrective business. As it is antidioxide (due to its high substance in vitamin E) it backs off the maturing of the body cells. It supports the flexibility of the skin and lessens skin wrinkles. 

  • It supplies the body with enough amount of Vitamin E, exceptionally fundamental for fruitfulness in both men and ladies. 

See more medical advantages of tiger nuts here.

Bearings for making Tiger Nut Milk 

  • Drench the exceptionally dry nuts in a liberal amount of icy water for 2 days. Keep it in the refrigerator for the term of the drenching so that the nuts don't age. Most tiger nuts sold in Nigeria are new and very much hydrated so you'll just need to douse those ones for a couple of hours or overnight. 
  • After the dousing, wash the nuts exceptionally well and deal with the awful ones. 
  • Placed them in your kitchen blender and pour simply enough water to help the edges move. We have to make this drain as concentrated and delicious as could be expected under the circumstances, you can include more water later in the event that you wish. 
  • As of now you can include different fixings: coconut, sugar, ginger and different kinds of your decision and mix them together. I favor anything I eat/drink as normal as conceivable so I don't add whatever other fixing to this drink. The regular taste of Tiger Nut Milk is so awesome, you would prefer not to adjust it by any stretch of the imagination. 
  • Subsequent to mixing, utilize a chiffon fabric or women stocking (pantyhose) to isolate the debris from the drink. Obviously, the pantyhose ought to be shiny new, completely washed with dish washing fluid. 
  • Press the stocking to ensure you crush out all the drain from the refuse. 
  • Put the dry debris back in the blender, include more water and mix once more. At that point strain with the chiffon fabric. 
  • Rehash the procedure till all the drain has been extricated. I found that the drain I got the third time was excessively watery. So 2 times ought to be sufficient and watch out for the amount of water. As a guide, I got 1.5 liters of tiger nut drain from 600g of doused tiger nuts. Yours may change. 
  • Empty the extricated drain into suppresses and store in the ice chest for to 3 days. It ought to last longer in the cooler. In my home, this drain typically vanishes inside 2 days of making it, so I can't disclose to you to what extent it can remain in the cooler without losing its taste! lol 

Serve Tiger Nuts Milk with any nibble of your decision.

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