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Thursday, 22 June 2017

A land flowing with milk and honey series two (2)

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Still on the existing discussion
 ‘A land flowing with milk and honey’ is this sentence really true? Is our land really flowing with milk and honey? Are we really flowing? Where have we failed? Let’s begin to answer the question within us, what is the main cause of our problems in this nation?

      A country formally known as giant of Africa, but where are we today, can we really come out and boast?
Whenever we see any of our political leader fighting  each other, we think they are fighting for our sake which is totally wrong. They are fighting for themselves, I mean they are fighting for their own personal pocket. Imagine those we call lawmaker, now turn themselves to law violators, street thugs and threat to the society. Then what do we expect? Absolutely nothing!    Our political leaders will carry huge amount of our money and put it in their personal pocket forgetting the six feet, forgetting that to dust we all shall return. Anyway, I won’t cast the whole blame on them; do we all partake in free and fair election? Ok let me talk to you directly; do you really practice what we call free and fair election in the recently concluded election? (Answer the question within you).

    Is there still anything like free and fair election in this country? During election, majority collected money, rice and some other food stuff from them. Do we all vote for them without taking bribe in one way or the other?
   Some will say “just give me the money and let me go, whenever they get to power they won’t remember us again”
Nigerians with this their yeye mentality

Do you think our present leaders are the one that suppose to be there?
Nigerian Politicians are very smart! They are using our finger print for money ritual, o! you want to know what I meant by saying that?
Meet me on this same blog in two day’s time, then I might have dropped the third series.  Stay connected. Am gonna be dropping my pen for now. Wish you all best of luck.


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