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Monday, 19 June 2017

A land flowing with milk and honey

 Nigeria, A land flowing with milk and honey
Series one (1)
Article written by prince Ooye’s
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   I greet every one present here today. Here I am again. As you all know, am well concerned with the issue of my dear country (Nigeria) so I need to find one or two means of correcting  or let me say a mean of changing our people’s mindset (ways of thinking) to make this nation a better and safe place to live.
   I was in a bus last week, heading to Osun State, all what the passengers were discussing was just Nigeria. Then I begin to brainstorm…
Hummm, Nigeria!
   ‘A land flowing with milk and honey’ is this sentence really true? Is our land really flowing with milk and honey? Are we really flowing? Where have we failed, what is the main reason behind our predicament? Let’s begin to answer the question within us, what is the main source or let me say the main cause of our problems in this nation?
   Is the fault from our leaders, or from the citizens?
   Some even says God is punishing us of our wrong doings.
   Is this really true?
Come lets reason together; do you really see what am seeing?

    Our governments can no longer govern us properly, our lawmakers can no longer make effective laws that will better the country, even our law enforcement agent have turn to something else.
Even we the citizens are on our own


Now who is to be blame?
Nigeria a blessed country, but still have a very very poor feature.
Nigeria, a country in the midst of plenty but apparently appear to be in a state of hunger.


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