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Friday, 16 June 2017

Signs that your relationship is a disaster waiting to happen

If any of the scenarios listed here is your reality, your relationship is in real jeopardy.

Of course, relationships don't just end like that.

An accumulation of mistakes, unchecked issues and unresolved problems puts a strain on them so much that they often get irreparably damaged.
You may paper over the cracks for as long as you can, but you need to wake up and smell the coffee; when the time comes for that relationship to come crashing down, your efforts won't be enough to stop it from tumbling down.
Partners often remain in relationships - actually they remain in the shell of the relationship - which have lost essence for a long time. Relationships that are just imminent breakups waiting to happen.
Say no to stonewalling play Imminent breakup stares you in the face if you no longer make efforts in your relationship (Tonga GH)

Uwanma Odefa on another episode of her vlog, "Love, Life, and Everything in Between," says there are five significant features of such relationships, and these are listed below:

1. One-sided efforts

If you ever find yourself in a relationship which has become nothing but a personal struggle to keep the fire burning, you might want to stop wasting that effort after some time.
Your love won't really be enough to power the relationship for long as relationships are two-way roads. You come with effort from your end, your partner stretches himself from his end and you both meet halfway.
People say they don't mind letting an ex come through for their wedding play Meeting each other half way is the standard for successful partners. Without that, your happinees is uncertain (Bella Naija)

When only one partner keeps stretching, it won't be long before they snap... and they'll likely snap out of the relationship.

2. Increasing fights

The number of lovers' fights increases badly. The negative energy in the relationship just keeps going all the way up  till it reaches the most toxic levels.
You both love each other, no doubt, but with time even that fades out because your moments of conflict outlasts your moments of happiness.
I'm sorry to inform you that that relationship is gone, you just don't know yet.
There's only so much negative, hurtful fights a relationship can survive.
Uwanma Odefa explains why your relationship could be over before you actually face the reality. play Uwanma Odefa explains why your relationship could be over before you actually face the reality (Youtube)

3. You're happy alone

If the days you spend away from your babe or guy feel better than the days you spend with them, that's not a good thing.
Of course, you can't possibly spend every moment, every day with the love of your life but one of the factors that carries you through those moments is the thought of seeing or speaking with them later.
So if reverse is the case with you, then you know there's fire on the mountain.

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