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Thursday, 27 July 2017

This S*x Robot is So Intelligent It Can Speak, Smile and Even Sing (Photos)

A company has built an intelligent s*x robot that can smile, speak and sing which has given many people pleasure.
The new robot head can speak, smile and even sing
A s*x doll company is making a Terminator-style robot head which can speak, smile and even sing – but only in Chinese, The Sun UK has reported.
The report revealed that the prototype of the DS Doll Robotic Head, which is coated in silicone “skin” and is controlled by a smartphone and a PlayStation controller, is the world’s most lifelike mechanical s*x servant.
Photos of the model made by Doll Sweet Dolls and EX Doll, has a “stunningly beautiful” face and can listen and answer questions using sophisticated voice recognition software.
The company is hoping to launch a crowdfunding campaign to help produce an English and Japanese version.
Despite not having a rotatable neck, the robot head will fit all the company’s other doll bodies, which have flexible limbs allowing them to “move as a real person.” Paul Lumb, head of Cloud Climax, says the prototype is the “Bugatti Veyron of VR” and comes with a similarly hefty price tag of around £4,500.
The company is Europe’s only authorised EX Doll retailer and the makers are hoping to bring the robotic head to the UK at the end of next year.

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