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Tuesday 25 October 2016

How to cook fried beans

nigerian fricasseed beans

Nigerian Fricasseed Beans is delectable to the point that even the people who couldn't care less for beans value it! The closest Nigerian dinner is Ewa Agoyin.

You ought to just guarantee that every single bean seed is particularly secured with palm oil. So add enough Palm OYEL to the devour. Palm oil is gainful for you! :)


  • 350g cocoa or dull looked toward beans
  • 2 Onions
  • 3 cooking spoons palm oil or more
  • 1 noteworthy stock shape
  • Salt and Habanero pepper (to taste)
  • Water
  • Side Dish: Broiled Plantains

Before you cook Broiled Beans 

  • I generally assimilate beans cool water overnight. This hugely diminishes beans bloating and irritated stomach associated with eating beans.
  • The next day, hack 1 onion into thin cuts, cut the other one into 4 noteworthy pieces then pound/crush the pepper.
  • Wash the beans and put in a sizeable pot. I wash it twice.
  • Pre-cook the cut onions with two or three drops of water to placate them a bit.

Cooking Bearings 

  • Set the pot of beans on the stove. Incorporate the stock 3D square (squashed) and the chunks of onion. Add enough water to cover the beans and start cooking. Cook the beans till fragile, including water when imperative. Constantly keep water to an indistinguishable level from the beans so that when the beans is done, there won't be an over the top measure of water in the pot.
  • Note: if you have a weight cooker, utilize it to cook the beans till sensitive. I consistently use my weight cooker for beans however for this recipe, I slant toward an ordinary pot with the objective that I can have more control, especially towards the end.
  • Exactly when the beans is done, incorporate salt, leave to leave all the water and trade the beans to another compartment.
  • Shortly, set a wash pot on the stove, pour the palm oil and warmth it up till the oil condenses (if set). Take note of that you should just warmth it up, not whiten the oil. You will know it is adequately hot when a touch of onion dropped into the oil sizzles.
  • Incorporate the precooked onions and mix for a bit.
  • Incorporate the ground Habanero pepper and mix till everything is warmed up extraordinarily well, at most 2 minutes.
  • Incorporate the beans and mix for around 2 minutes. Incorporate salt if key.
  • Cover and leave to stew for around 2 minutes and it's done.
  • Give the Seared Plantains, Doused Garri or bread.

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