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Sunday 9 April 2017

How to cook Coconut Rice

This Nigerian nourishment is known as the Jollof Rice with a curve! It feels great to see the looks on your visitors' or companions' countenances when they think you are serving them the great old Jollof Rice yet bam, the minute the primary spoon enters the mouth, you are certain to get the looks of joy! It makes you can rest easy, isn't that right?

White Coconut Rice

Yes, it looks the same as the Jollof Rice you know yet the smell and taste is distinctive. Why not shock your visitors today around evening time by setting up this simple supper formula?
   This formula is for Jollof Coconut Rice, there's another variant of coconut rice known as the White Coconut Rice.


  • 3 stogie containers | 750g long grain parboiled rice
  • 500mls Tomato Stew
  • 600 mls Coconut Milk
  • Chicken (entire chicken or drumsticks)
  • Stew pepper (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • 1 medium onions
  • 3 stock 3D squares
  • 1 tablespoon thyme

Before you cook Coconut Rice 

  • Set up the tomato stew in the event that you don't have some in the cooler. Visit the Tomato Stew page for subtle elements on the most proficient method. It is prudent to get ready tomato stew before hand and keep in the cooler. This is so that at whatever point you need to cook any jollof rice related dish, it is simply an issue of adding it to your cooking.
  • In the event that you will utilize entire chicken, wash and cut the entire chicken into pieces. Put the pieces in a pot; include water till it just covers the bits of chicken, include the hacked onions, stock shapes and thyme and begin cooking. The cooking time relies on upon the kind of chicken. The chicken or cockerel cooks considerably quicker than the hen however the hen is more delectable.
  • Cooking till done and add salt to taste. Put the bits of chicken in a sifter to deplete, then sear with vegetable oil. You can likewise barbecue it in a broiler. This is to give it a brilliant look which is more adequate particularly in the event that you have visitors for supper. Perused how to season and flame broil chicken for more one this.
  • Right now is an ideal opportunity to remove the coconut drain. This is a significant simple assignment on the off chance that you take after the method point by point in How to Extract Coconut Milk. Put the coconut drain aside.
  • Parboil the rice utilizing the strategy point by point in parboiling rice for cooking coconut rice. Wash the parboiled rice and put in a sifter to deplete.

Cooking Directions 

  • Presently we require a pot sufficiently enormous to suit the rice till it is finished. Remember that the rice will regularly ascend by no less than one fourth of its amount from the parboiled state to the done state.
  • Pour the chicken stock, coconut drain and the tomato stew into the chose pot. Set on the stove to bubble. Include the depleted parboiled rice, salt and pepper to taste. On the off chance that vital, best up with water to convey the water level to an indistinguishable level from the rice. This is to guarantee that all the water goes away when the rice is cooked.
  • Cover the pot and leave to cook on medium warmth. Along these lines the rice does not consume before the water dries.
  • On the off chance that you parboiled the rice as portrayed at parboiling rice for cooking coconut rice, the rice ought to be finished when the water is dry. Affirm that the rice is finished by tasting it. That is the way coconut rice is cooked.
  • Present with Fried Plantain, Nigerian Moi, Nigerian Salad or Coleslaw.
  • On the off chance that you have any inquiries concerning get ready Coconut Rice, click here to ask me.

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