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Sunday 9 April 2017

How to cook iya dun dun fried yam

No all the more strolling for a considerable length of time to another area to line up at Iya Dun's slow down to purchase the ideal, crunchy all things considered, soggy within singed yam.

No all the more serving the uninteresting broiled yam each Sunday morning since this page is about browning that immaculate yam with "character" in your own home.

Approaches to serve Fried Yam 

For breakfast, present with:

Akamu, Pap or Ogi Meal

Custard Meal

Tomato Omelet

For informal breakfast or as a light feast, present with:

Hamburger and Chicken Stew (Nigerian Red Stew)

Egg Stew

Corned Beef Stew

Plant Egg Stew

Chilled soda pop


  • These are the fixings I utilized for the Iya Dun Fried Yam I arranged in the video beneath:
  • 800g white puna yam
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Water
  • Vegetable Oil (for browning)\
  • For the egg stew:
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 plum tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 little stock solid shape
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • Vegetable Oil (for browning)

Notes on the fixings:

  • Continuously utilize puna yam for this formula. Puna yam is white and has a darker bark.
  • For the ideal fricasseed yam, don't utilize the leader of the yam since it is excessively stringy and now and then biting. Try not to utilize the tail either on the grounds that it doesn't contain enough starch and it's sort of boring. Save those closures for the Beans Porridge and Yam formula.
  • For the exemplary taste, dependably utilize boring and scentless vegetable oils when cooking Nigerian sustenance.

Fricasseeing Directions 

  • Peel and cut the yam tuber into decreased circles.
  • Flush the yam cuts and place in a bowl. The quantity of bits of yam in a cluster must be the amount you can broil in the meantime so this relies on upon the span of your profound fryer or profound singing pot.
  • Add some water to the bowl. For around 8 bits of yam, you ought to include around 3 tablespoons of water.
  • Hurl the substance of the bowl to appropriate the salt.
  • Pour some vegetable oil in a pot (no less than 3 inches profound) and set on the stove to warm up. In the event that you are utilizing a profound fryer, sufficiently empty vegetable oil into the fryer according to the guidelines manual and preheat the oil to 190°C.
  • At the point when the oil is extremely hot, painstakingly pour the substance of the bowl (water and yam pieces) into the hot oil and cover the pot. This is the reason it is essential that you just put the amount of yam pieces you can sear in one go into the bowl.
  • Abandon it to cook-sear for a couple of minutes and mix. Be watchful when mixing in light of the fact that the oil will splash because of the water in the oil.
  • Note: With the water in the yam, the yams will be cooked for a bit before the singing begins. This is the thing that makes within the yam clammy. The exceptionally hot oil guarantees that the yam pieces are crunchy all things considered.
  • Continue mixing every now and then till you can feel the crunchiness when the spoon reaches the yam pieces. The decreased end will start to dark colored a bit as well.
  • Whenever upbeat, exchange to a paper-lined sifter to deplete and that is it!

Serve extremely hot.

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