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Friday 7 April 2017

How to cook nigerian catfish pepper soup (Point & Kill)

Nigerian Catfish Pepper Soup (prevalently known as Point and Kill) is that Nigerian pepper soup that is normally eaten in restrictive Nigerian bars and eateries.

Regardless of the possibility that you can get Nigerian Pepper Soup in any street side eatery, you'll have to burrow profound to discover eateries where you can have the right Point and Kill.

So why is it called Point and Kill? LOL Usually when a gathering of visitors touch base at these restrictive bars and request Catfish Pepper Soup, no less than one of the gathering should go to a major bowl where some live catfish are swimming around and call attention to a catfish. The catfish will then be murdered in the visitor's nearness and taken away for arrangement. So you see; you point and it is slaughtered for you! lol

Elements for Catfish Pepper Soup 

  • 500g Cat Fish
  • 4 Ehu or Ariwo or Calabash Nutmeg seeds
  • Habanero Pepper or bean stew pepper (to taste)
  • A couple aroma takes off
  • 2 medium onions
  • Salt (to taste)
  • 2 major stock solid shapes
  • Elective Ingredients for Catfish Pepper Soup
  • Conger Eel (Congrio in Spanish) is a decent other option to catfish. When purchasing the Conger Eel, guarantee you purchase the part towards the tail so that the fish cuts won't have enormous openings in them.
  • Parsley is a decent other option to aroma takes off.
  • For pounding the ehu seeds, you will require:
Before you cook the Nigerian Catfish Pepper Soup 
  • To get ready Cat Fish Pepper Soup, wash and cut the feline fish into 1-inch thick cuts. Heat up some boiling point water and pour on the bits of fish, mix and expel instantly. This toughens the skin of the fish with the goal that it doesn't go into disrepair amid cooking. broil ehu for pepper soup
  • Presently the time has come to set up the "mystery" fixing. Utilizing an old skillet, cook the Ehu seeds (blending always) till you can notice it. Try not to stress you will know when it is OK to take it off on the grounds that it has a particular fragrance. Another approach to realize that it is OK is to take one of the seeds and attempt to evacuate the external layer. In the event that the film falls off effortlessly, then the Ehu is finished. granulate ehu for pepper soup
  • Peel off the film from all the Ehu seeds and pound with a dry factory.
  • Cut the onions into modest pieces.
  • Wash and pick the aroma leaves and destroy them with your fingers into little pieces.
Cooking Directions 
  • Put the bits of fish in a pot and pour water to simply cover the fish, include the stock 3D shapes and convey to the bubble.
  • When it begins to bubble include the ground ehu, onions, habanero pepper and fragrance leaves and keep cooking.
  • Once the catfish is done, add salt to taste and leave to stew for around 5 minutes and it's prepared!

Catfish Pepper Soup ought to dependably be served hot. It can be eaten alone with a chilled drink. I want to eat it with Agidi, Boiled White Rice or Boiled Yam.

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