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Sunday, 23 April 2017

how to cook Nigerian Corned Beef Stew (Spaghetti Sauce)

Corned Beef Stew is basically Nigerian Red Stew arranged with small bits of corned hamburger rather than chunks of meat. You can likewise set it up with minced meat if like me, you are not a colossal devotee of corned hamburger.

Corned Beef Stew is most normally used to eat bubbled pasta (spaghetti, macaroni) however it runs truly well with Boiled yam and Boiled Potatoes. My children adore it and it is an awesome approach to inspire them to eat more meat. They as a rule surrender the chunks of meat in their sustenances. I set it up with minced hamburger however.

Elements for Nigerian Corned Beef Stew 

  • 700ml Tomato Stew 
  • 450g corned meat or minced hamburger 
  • 1 onion 
  • I teaspoon thyme 
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder (turmeric) 
  • 1 cooking spoon vegetable oil 
  • 1 major stock 3D square 
  • Pepper and salt (to taste) 

Critical notes on the fixings 

  • Tomato Stew is new tomato puree and the tinned tomato glue that has been bubbled and browned to expel all hints of water and the harsh/tart taste of tomatoes. If it's not too much trouble take note of that this stew does not contain flavors or flavoring. It just contains tomato puree, then onions and vegetable oil that was utilized as a part of fricasseeing it. 
  • On the off chance that you don't care for corned hamburger, utilize minced meat. Minced meat is basically ground hamburger and can be obtained from every single real market in Nigeria. 
  • The curry powder said here is not the hot and hot curry powder rather significantly nearer to turmeric. We call it curry powder in Nigeria. 

Before you cook Nigerian Corned Beef Stew 

  • In the event that you as of now have Tomato Stew in your cooler, bring it out to defrost in great time before you have to utilize it in the formula. If not, set up some Tomato Stew by taking after the means at: How to Prepare Tomato Stew. Keep in mind to spill out the overabundance oil when done. 
  • I typically plan expansive amounts of tomato stew and store in my cooler. That way, I can get ready such Nigerian formulas as Corned Beef Stew in a matter of moments. I should simply draw out the stew sufficiently early to defrost and nourishment is prepared in 15 minutes. 
  • Draw out the corned hamburger from the tin and utilize a tablespoon to separate it into little pieces. 
  • Cut the onions into modest pieces. 
  • Pound the pepper (assuming crisp) or granulate if dry. 

Cooking Directions 

  • Begin cooking the staple sustenance you will present with the stew: yam, rice, pasta or potatoes. 
  • Empty the vegetable oil into another (dry) pot. 
  • At the point when the oil is warmed, include the diced onions and sear for a bit. 
  • Include the corned hamburger or the minced meat and sear till the hamburger turns pale. Guarantee you blend continually so that the meat won't shape bumps. Minor pieces is the best.. 
  • Include the thyme and stock solid shapes. 
  • Add water to an indistinguishable level from the substance of the pot and cook till the meat is finished. This ought to take around 7 minutes on medium warmth. 
  • Include pepper, curry powder, tomato stew and salt to taste. 
  • Mix extremely well, cover and leave to stew and it's finished! So natural! 
  • Present with your preferred accompanying staple sustenance: Pasta, White Rice, Boiled Yam and Boiled Potatoes.

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