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Tuesday 18 April 2017

How to prepare vegetable puree

Vegetable Puree is a formula for the youthful ones throughout your life. You can begin giving children Vegetable Puree from when they are 6 months. It is the ideal route for your children to get as much supplements as they can from vegetables since they are excessively youthful, making it impossible to eat these vegetables like grown-ups do.


  • 5 medium bits of Carrots 
  • 3 pcs of new Tomatoes 
  • 4 tablespoons of Olive Oil (or any Vegetable Oil) 
  • 2 Cucumbers 
  • 100g of Chicken Breast (present following 1 week) 
  • A squeeze of salt (from 12 months) 

Before you plan Vegetable Puree

  • Wash every one of the vegetables then rub the carrots, expel the peels and seeds from the tomatoes and cucumbers. 
  • Presently cut the vegetables into little pieces. 
  • Wash the chicken bosom and cut into little pieces. 
  • Note: It is best to begin the infant off on a vegetable puree without the chicken bosom then present the chicken bosom following one week of taking vegetable puree. You can utilize meat rather than chicken bosom. 

Cooking Directions 

  • Put the cut carrots, tomatoes and chicken bosom in a pot, pour water up to the level of the substance of the pot and begin cooking. 
  • Leave to bubble for 15 minutes on medium warmth. 
  • Include the cucumber, Olive Oil and a squeeze of salt. 
  • Note: Olive Oil is the best oil for the formula however it can be supplanted with other vegetable oils. Avoid the salt if the youngster is under 12 months old. 
  • Cover the pot and leave to bubble for 5 more minutes. 
  • Kill the warmth and leave to chill off. 
  • At the point when the cooked vegetables have chilled off, mix into a fine puree utilizing a fluid blender. 
  • The Vegetable Puree can now be encouraged to the child with a spoon. It can be added to child oat and drain blend and bolstered with an encouraging container. 

The Vegetable Puree can keep going for up to 48 hours if very much refrigerated. To warm it, put in child's bowl and microwave till extremely hot, then permit to cool to a sheltered temperature before encouraging infant.

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