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Friday, 12 May 2017


Article written by Prince Ooye’s
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Based on its multi-dimensional nature, poverty is usually perceived using different criteria. This account for the numerous attempts in defining  poverty, in a simple word;  Poverty is the inability to meet ones basic need such as food, shelter, and clothing i.e the state of being poor.
Now let’s move down to Nigeria as a whole;
 Nigeria, an African country of the gulf of Guinea, as many natural landmarks and wildlife.
Nigeria, by any standard is a blessed nation. A country with abundant natural reassures talented population, good climate, and lots more. Nigeria today as more resources than most emerging nations of the word such as Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brazil. Upon all these gift, the question now is

Why is it that majority of Nigerians live in poverty?
Nigeria is a naturally blessed country, but apparently appears to be in a state of
hunger in the midst of plenty
   I received this topic last week from a good friend of mine called Michael, he posted the topic on this blog’s WhattsApp Group. When I received this topic, I sat down and brainstorm on the topic, I think about Nigeria why we are hungry in the midst of plenty? Then I decided to carry out research, during my findings I visited some people and some other website in which Nairaland was one of those sites I visited, there I saw a post……

See the screanshot below to read the guy’s post

This guy was like saying the government need to empower the traders, hawkers, youth e.t.c that by so doing poverty will reduce in Nigeria;
 Yes! He is right, but who are the government, where are the government that is will empower them, where are they? What are they doing!
You see, the major problem we are having in Nigeria is today is CORRUPTION. Corruption as taken over the whole of Nigeria. It has been a major concern and topical issues in the private and public sectors of Nigeria economy.
Every Nigerians, home and abroad are all in universal agreement that our country is corrupt, the whole world knows this too. it’s no longer a news we knows it happens in every country in the world, yet most counties have found a way to deal with it to limit it and it has not stop their progress, but in Nigeria reverse is the case.
            it’s a thing that pains me a lot to wake up and think of Nigeria because I as a Nigerian I don’t belief that Nigeria's economical state can ever be perfect again, if you doubt me or you thing I made a big mistake with what I just said follow me up on my next Article entitled: Can Nigeria Financial State Ever Be Perfect Again?
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   As a matter of fact I love my country Nigeria but I don’t have much hope in it again because every day we keep-on  waking up with corruption, it grows and eat deeper and deeper in over psyche and become even more deficit to exercise. And this is killing us financially. Corruption is the major factor that makes Nigeria to keep dwelling in poverty.
Our leaders are only there with the primary aim of feathering their own nest not of the people.
How can Nigeria be better than this?
See, let me tell you the real but bitter truth, Nigeria has fallen and can never raise again if the issue of corruption is not been treated. The only solution Nigeria needs is eradicating/reducing corruption, if not so Nigeria is going to fall totally. 
I pray Nigeria won’t fall I Jesus name {AMEN} 
I know you will say amen, see, amen is not the only solution to the problem on grand, the solution is from you, yourself, yes I mean you!
      We can both/all join our hands together to take this country back to her initial state or make it better off. You don’t have to wait for the Mr. President to eradicate corruption for you, he can’t, he simple can’t, he can only try his best. Try to be honest, corruption starts from you, stop taking bribe nor giving bribe. According to ICPC Act (section 2) corruption include bribery, fraud, dishonesty, misuse of power, e.t.c and these are the major thing (problem) Nigerians must strive to overcome.

   Corruption starts from you, corruption is when you lie to your parent/husband to collect money i.e you are part of those corrupting our dear country, you need to stop! Let’s start the change from the grassroots not from the top, we have tried to stop corruption from the top several times but we failed so let us join our hand together to start the change. Let’s make this country corruption free/less and you will see that Nigeria will rise again. 
Thanks For Your Under Standing.
I Remain My Humble Self: Prince Ooye's
This article was pened by Prince Ooye's. A guy with the primary aim of working hard in other to make life pay, a crazy writer, he loves writing article so much, he can put anything into written in as much is dear country is concerned.  
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