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Sunday, 28 May 2017

Must Read: Secret Why Nigeria Won't Step Forward. By Prince Ooye's

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     Nigeria, a naturally blessed nation. A country with abundant natural reassures, talented population, good climate, and lots more. Nigeria today as more recourses than most emerging nations of the word, but we apear to be the most needy.
    Few weeks ago, I published an article entitled  HOW POVERTY CAN TOTALLY BE EXTINCTED FROM OUR ENVIRONMENT AND NIGERIA AS A WHOLE  the major point in that writeup was why Nigerians remain  in poverty. Lot of things are involve in the above topic and am still going to write more article relating to the topic.
     I will be real and sincere  in this article, One of the major problem we are facing in this country is Bad leadership. Our leaders are bad, they are selfish, they are corrupt, they are only there to feather their own neast. Then what do we expect? nothing, absoultly nothing!
    What a pity, Nigeria the land of leaving where inhabitants are grumbling and murmuring because there is nothing but cheating, the government are no more for the people rather for them self, friends, family, and generations to come.
    Brethren, we shouldn't  sit down folding our hands and watching while they keep eating us, one bitter truth is we have no leader in this country
We need a leader! a person of the people, all our present leaders are heartless people, they are not human at all.
     I think its high time we start defending ourselves if government can not help us, the people are dying, the economy is dying, the country is almost dead. Let's join hands together to find a solution, what we need now is solution not murmuring, we need to act! our leaders are only there as figure head, they are usless to the nation, most of them have nothing good to offer us rather they keep on multiplying our problem. Imagine, a country formaly known as giant of Africa, where are we today? we are dying! lets all wakeup from our slumber, we can both join our hands together to uplift this nation, a single person cant uplift the nation, a single head cant do it, we are all going to do it.
    Imagine how things had gone bad? while some people will be praying, if he (Buhari) cannot save the country, then let him resign or die for the country to move on. Aba! Must he die, must someone die before the country move on? Lets think naa, we need to reason together.
    When have we become so divided in this country? Even when Ebele was there we hated him, protested against his style of governance and we insulted, rubbished and despised him, but there was no vission like today, today we are gnashing our teeth and crying for international help since our leaders has nothing to offer to us and so biased in ruling.
     Do you want me to be real with you? The simple fact is that We have no leader in this country, our so called political leaders are now something else. What are our religiouse leader doing? why cant we just call on God instead of calling man that has nothing to offer, see, it is illegal for God to  intervene to the case of this county with out we calling him, so what are we now waiting for? lets come together, lets call on God! we need devine intervention. Nigeria need your prayer, Nigeria needs my prayer, Nigeria needs our pop prayer,  pray for this nation and it shall be well with you.
Still Your Humble Boy Prince Ooye's

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