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Sunday, 4 June 2017

How to cook potatos pepper soup

Potato Pepper soup is one of the ways I attempt to utilize potatoes in setting up my family's dinners.
As the name infers, it contains pepper soup fixings so it is zesty hot thus extraordinary for a cool harmattan or winter day.

Elements for Potato Peppersoup 

  • 3 hungry individuals ate the dinner arranged with the accompanying fixings. 
  • 5 medium Irish Potatoes 
  • 300g new fish (head and tail as it were) 
  • 10 medium mushrooms 
  • 1 red onion 
  • 2 habanero peppers 
  • 1 teaspoon ground ehu (Calabash Nutmeg) 
  • 1 major stock 3D square 
  • Dark pepper (minor amount as found in the video) 
  • 5 fragrance takes off 
  • 3 straight leaves (discretionary) 
  • Salt (to taste) 
  • Water 

Notes on the fixings 

  • You can fluctuate the amounts of the fixings to your preferring. 
  • I utilized gilthead ocean bream angle (Dorada in Spanish) in the video underneath yet you can utilize tilapia, croaker fish or feline fish. I find that mackerel does not run well with this formula. 
  • Irish Potato is casually known as spud. You may likewise utilize yam, sweet potatoes yet I lean toward Irish potatoes for this feast. 
  • Mushroom is Ero/Elo/Eru (Igbo), Oru (Igala), Udib/Annang (Efik/Ibibio), Leman Kwado or Rumfar Kwado or Hular Kare (Hausa), Olu (Yoruba), Itu/Utun (Edo/Delta), Ikhowe (IsiZulu) and so on. You can get it from any enormous general store, for example, Shoprite and Spar. 
  • Ehu (Calabash Nutmeg) is an extremely conventional fixing that is hard to discover outside Nigeria. In the event that you can't get it where you live, skip it and include more dark pepper. Normal nutmeg is not a contrasting option to this since they are not comparable at all. In the event that you have companions or family in Nigeria, they will have the capacity to purchase ehu seeds and send to you, a little amount goes far. 
  • The 2 habanero peppers set our mouths ablaze so alter this to your taste. 
  • On the off chance that you don't have aroma leaves, utilize parsley. A few people swear by mint leaves as fragrance leaves elective however it's a no from me. 
  • The cove leaves did not have any effect so you can skip it. I just included it as a test. 

Before you cook the Potato Peppersoup 

  • Peel the Irish Potatoes, wash and cut into medium blocks. 
  • Cut the fish head and tail into sizeable pieces. 
  • Cut the habanero pepper into medium pieces. 
  • Cut each mushroom into 2 sections. 
  • Pound the ehu. 
  • Cut the onion into thin cuts along the knob. This is so that when they warm up, they will add body to the pepper soup. 
  • Cut the aroma leaves into little pieces. 


  • Pour a little qauntity of water into a spotless pot and set on the stove (medium warmth). The water ought to simply cover the base of the pot. 
  • Include the ground ehu, dark pepper and stock 3D square (squashed). 
  • Mix and tenderly place the bits of fish in the pot. Once the base warms up, turn the fish around with the goal that all sides will make them warm and end up plainly extreme. 
  • At the point when the fish is very much warmed all over, expel them from the pot and include the potatoes. 
  • Add water to cover the potatoes, include the cove leaves and begin cooking on high warmth till the potatoes are cooked however not delicate. 
  • Include the mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes. 
  • Include the fish (delicately), the onions and habanero pepper and cook for 2 minutes. 
  • At that point take out the fish again and add salt to taste. Note: we include the fish, take it out, include, take it out and so forth with the goal that it doesn't scramble. 
  • Blend to ensure everything is joined. 
  • That is it! Serve and sprinkle the aromas leaves on top. Appreciate it with a chilled drink.

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