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Tuesday 8 November 2016

How to cook editan soup

I have slacked a bit on my action routine yet this week I start again with life and child do I feel so good. That notion politeness on your feet when you're walking , high imperative level, extraordinary night rest, are a bit of the favorable circumstances I am experiencing.The body is much the same as an auto, stop it for a long time and it won't function admirably when you endeavor to drive it yet again.

I do wish for a more prominent number of opportunities to stroll instead of arrange in an auto most of my week however nature does not think of it as . Well will make do with my three days a week at the rec focus.

Today on the menu I present to you a dish I am also experiencing shockingly, Editan soup is another intriguing alternative to your Nigerian soup list.

Growing up I never ate Editan soup since it was assessed by mum as the less costly variation of Afang soup. Editan soup is primarily eaten by the Ibibios of Akwa Ibom state accordingly to find this vegetable in the business part you can without a lot of an extend ask the 'Calabar " merchants. You can truly have them cut it for you in the business area. I need to do all my food prep home.

I fathom that Editan has differing varieties with changing degrees of sharpness. I expected to adopt in the best strategy to decrease the sharpness by washing severally . A couple people utilize potash and that will discard the sharpness in a brief instant however leaves the vegetable with a level taste and I find the leaves excessively fragile. Editan is moreover to some degree terrible, which is the reason I get a kick out of the chance to incorporate some Okro . A couple people incorporate Waterleaf . For a stew pepper sweetheart like me I used some adequate sum . Various people promise some calming effect of Editan leaves on the stomach, for me every vegetable will do this anyway I figure you can find for yourself.

Did I value the soup , without question enough, which is the reason I am sharing. Appreciate!


  • 2 compartments Editan leaf (pulverized, beat and washed)
  • 1 table spoon cut Uziza leaf
  • 8 pieces Beef
  • 4 pieces Snails
  • 8 pieces Cow Skin( Pomo)
  • Stock fish(optional)
  • Humble group dried Prawns
  • 6 fingers Okro (hacked in round irregularities)
  • Scotch Bonnet Pepper( coarsely ground) to taste
  • 1 table spoon ground Crayfish
  • Enhancing to taste
  • 2 cooking spoons Palm oil
  • Salt to taste


1, Wash, season meat with enhancing ,salt, pepper and steam in its juice till it leaves. Incorporate more water and cook till sensitive, incorporate the snails,cow skin and smoked fish, prawns and ground crayfish and cook till all meats are fragile.

2, Add some water and pass on to bubble

3, Add palm oil , taste and right enhancing and cook for around 3 minutes

4, Add the Editan , uziza and cut Okro and cook for 3-5 minutes. Consistency of the soup is much the same as Afang or Edikang Ikong . Editan soup is barely sharp , yet the kind of flavor you will like if you like astringent leaf.

5, Serve with a swallow of choice.

Well ordered guidelines to treat Editan

1, Pick and cut the leaves basically like Afang or Ukazi or Okazi. The cutting ought to be workable for you in the business part.

2, Pound the leaves in a motar , you may need to try obliterating in the dry altering part of a family unit blender. Guarantee you don't blend into a paste.All you need is the sliced leaves to be further diminished to minor cuts

3, Place the beat Editan in a strainer with unassuming wholes , immerse in a dish of water and using your hands, blend the vegetable to flush out the force and you will see the dull disgusting liquid leave the vegetable. Taste as you go to check for the force level you can persevere. You may need to this washing and flushing a couple times to discard a huge part of the seriousness

4, Squeeze out liquid from the flushed leaves and spread on a plate and dry in the sun to take out a bit of the liquid. It should not be firm dry. It is semi dry.

5, You can then store the Editan in the cooler for future utilize. I made more than I required for this soup and left the remaining for future utilize.

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