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Thursday, 21 September 2017

Relationships are like trees

A very distinct feature of trees is that they do not start out as trees. Instead, they are seeds first before they mature into mighty trees, with huge roots reaching deep into the soil, shoots that rise regal into the sky, fruit-bearing branches whose leaves offer shade. 

Likewise, the full picture of what a relationship will become once it matures into marriage is often a mystery. Well, of course, if you plan properly and goal-oriented, you would have a very good idea of what your family will look like, coupled with the personality of the person you are dating. Yet, that is all you will have- a picture of what it will look like. 

No matter how much time you spend together, how real you both are with each or how well you think you know your partner, you will never know the person as well as you would know the person after marriage. All a relationship gives you are glimpses into who the person really is. Thus, it is only if you are smart, sensitive or observant enough that you would know how to interpret what those glimpses truly mean and how they will affect your relationship in years to come.

The reality is that as time goes on, traits in people mature, mostly as a result of time and life. It is inevitable. As one experiences more and more things and is more exposed to various circumstances, certain traits are being awoken. These traits may mature as bad habits or attitudes our partners may find annoying. 

Therefore, it is not that the person really changed. Life simply happened. Does this now mean dating is pointless? Nope. It is very important because you need those glimpses you can only get from dating to decide who is worth settling down with.


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