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Wednesday 23 November 2016

How to fried plantain

Singed Plantain is one of the simple and quick Nigerian sustenance formulas. It regularly includes in Nigerian breakfast suppers.

It is likewise a noteworthy side dish to all the rice formulas and can be delighted in by individuals from everywhere throughout the world.


  • Ready Plantain (The plantain ought to be ready and hard, it is not fitting to utilize plantain that is delicate)
  • Vegetable Oil: enough for profound broiling.
  • Salt to taste
  • Before you broil the plantains
  • Wash, peel and cut the plantain as appeared. Put in a bowl and include somewhat salt. Hurl the plantain to guarantee that the salt is equally conveyed. the most effective method to cut ready plantain cuts
  • Pour a liberal amount of vegetable oil into a griddle and permit to warm. On the off chance that utilizing a profound fryer, preheat the oil to 170°C.
Fricasseeing Directions 
  • At the point when the oil is warmed, include an impressive amount of the plantain cuts to the oil, leaving enough space for the cuts to sear equitably. browned plantain in profound fryer
  • At the point when the underside of the cuts begins to turn brilliant, flip the cuts on their opposite side.
  • Broil till a fancied carmelizing is accomplished.
  • Expel and put in a sifter to deplete out the oil.
  • Sear the following group of the plantain cuts finishing steps 1 4.
For breakfast, present with:
  • Akamu, Pap or Ogi Meal
  • Custard Meal
  • Tomato Omelet
  • Seared Eggs
For early lunch or as a light supper, present with:
  • Meat and Chicken Stew (Nigerian Red Stew)
  • Egg Stew
  • Corned Beef Stew
  • Cultivate Egg Stew
  • Chilled soda

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