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Sunday 1 January 2017

Word of Wisdom For The Girls. Episode 3

Advise 4 D Ladies:

Don't Let Him Decieve you, if he Says He Love you, He Wanna Lust
With you, he Proposed to you today, he Ask for
Sex tomorrow and you Think He Loves you, he is just a Roaring Lion In disguise of  the
Handsome Guy U Want To Fall In Love With. Innocent you Shold Take Heed Else you
Sing Had I Know After Taking Ur
Virtues Away

Different Question Youth Asked
Especially Females,when the Opposite
Sex Proposed To them, it Has Come to the Stage Where We Need To Talk About the
Impact Of Sex In D life of
Teens, genuinely God Has Ordained Sex for the Married and Mature Couples,but We
Find Out that this Same Tool 4
Procreation Has Turn 2 D Tool Of Ask Me WHY? because Youth
Took Lust for Love, and this Derail Their
Destiny,frnds I Would Love Us us Abstain from Premarital Sex,anything Dating
Involves Sex, you Can Courts When you Are
Ready and Matured for Marriage......Things For Reading This !!!!

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