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Thursday 12 January 2017

Help! My Little Sister Is Pregnant And I'm Responsible For It - Young Man Makes Shocking Confession

A man has shared a really stunning
story about his sister and how he has
ended up being the father of her child.

 The man
shared his story on Yoanswers
telling stunned readers about his
involvement with his own sister. Below
is how she put the


I kissed my sister to comfort her
after her
boyfriend dumped her and we
ended up
having s*x on her sofa. She has a good job, a flat of her own and a nice car
but her partner was a rat.
beautiful but he made her feel
worthless. He was always calling
her names. When he cheated he somehow made her
feel it was
her fault. Nobody in our family has
ever liked him. She
is 21 and I am 25. She called me one
evening a couple of months ago and was in bits. She said her
boyfriend had been seeing
someone else
and when she confronted him he
called her
fat and ugly. He threw his clothes into a bin bag
stormed out, saying they were
finished for
good. She was crying and saying
she must be really ugly because she didn’t deserve
to be loved. I went round there straight
to comfort
her. I put my arms round her and
cuddled her to re*ssure her. I told her she is
pretty and cute and I kissed her on the
lips. She
stopped crying and asked if I
meant it. I said yes and kissed her again more
p*ssionately. We both got carried away,
into her
bedroom and had s*x. It was mind-
blowing. I stayed the night in her bed and
we had s*x
again next morning. We both enjoyed it
agreed we needed to keep it
secret. I couldn’t forget about it though,
and I went
round two days later to talk about
it. We ended up in bed again and it
was even
better. We have carried on having s*x since then.

This morning she dropped the bombshell that she is pregnant and it is my baby.

I don't know what to do.
My whole world has crashed.

Should I abort the child?

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